6 Gold Awards for WHC Hire

WHC Hire Services is proud to announce its receipt of another Gold Award for 6 consecutive years of outstanding health and safety practice, from internationally recognised RoSPA.

The RoSPA Awards scheme is the longest-running of its kind in the UK, and receives entries from organisations across the globe. Making it one, if not the most exclusive achievement award for health and safety worldwide.

Now into its 67th year, the Awards have almost 2,000 entries every year, covering nearly 50 countries and a reach of over seven million employees. The programme recognises organisations’ commitment to continuous improvement in the prevention of accidents and ill health at work, looking at entrants’ overarching health and safety management systems, including practices such as leadership and workforce involvement.

The majority of awards are non-competitive and mark achievement at merit, bronze, silver and gold levels. Gold medals, president’s awards, orders of distinction and the Patron’s Award are presented to organisations sustaining the high standards of the gold level over consecutive years. WHC Hire has always taken great pride and dedication to ensuring the safest working conditions. Not only for members of staff but also for its clients. Supporting businesses with advanced high-performance equipment allows them to achieve their goals and be able to go home safely at night.

MD James Clutterbuck said, “Once again I am delighted to announce another milestone achievement for WHC Hire. Last year we were awarded RoSPA’s Gold Medal Award for 5 consecutive years of outstanding health and safety practice. But to be awarded another gold medal from RoSPA, for now, a sixth-year running, is something I regard as one of our greatest achievements. WHC Hire has always been committed to ensuring the safety of our staff and clients. Recently we released a New Tutorial Resource sector to enhance education on safely operating our plant equipment. All our resource tutorials are free to everyone and are available on our website. It is truly an honour to be internationally recognised by RoSPA once again. We look forward to upholding and increasing these standards for many more years to come. “

Julia Small, RoSPA’s Achievements Director, said:

“Accidents at work and work-related ill health don’t just have huge financial implications or cause major disruption – they significantly impact an individual’s quality of life. That’s why good safety performance deserves to be recognised and rewarded.

“We are thrilled that WHC Hire Services has won a RoSPA Award and would like to congratulate them on showing an unwavering commitment to keeping their employees, clients and customers safe from accidental harm and injury.”

Sponsored by Croner-i, the RoSPA Awards scheme is the longest-running of its kind in the UK, and receives entries from organisations across the globe, making it one of the most sought-after achievement awards for the health and safety industry.


WHC Hire will be presented with their gold medal at RoSPA’s award ceremonies in 2023.


For more information about the RoSPA Awards visit www.rospa.com/awards



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