Daily Operational Checks (9T Excavator)

9T Excavator

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Hello everyone and welcome back to WHC Hire

and today’s video we’re going to go

through the pre-operational start checks

you should be doing on one of these 9 Tonne

 excavators when it’s out on

hire. These checks should be done every

day to ensure that the machine is

working correctly and is safe as

possible. To get started with we’re going

to do our visual checks. I’m going to

start from the bucket and work our way

all the way around the machine

we’re going to do we’re going to start

on the left-hand side of the machine and

then work all the way around to the back

side, starting at the bucket and on the

hitch, up the arm and down the boom, what

we’re looking for, we’re looking for any

visible damage, any leakages so we’re

checking all the hydraulic rams making

sure everything’s intact and ready. We’re

going to come down to the dozer blade

ensure that’s right, there are no leakages

off the ram that operates that either.

Then we’ll check the cab, double checking

the glass is all intact and also the

tracks on this side no leakages no

issues at all.

And then we’ll come around to the rear

of the machine and double checingk the

bodywork there,

and again what we’re doing is we’re just

looking for that visible damage anything

that might be there that wasn’t there

the last time we used it. So just

ensuring everything’s in good working

order visually, then we’ll move down

the side of the tracks and check out the

other side of the housing of the machine.

When we’re on this side of the machine

we’ll be able to double check the cabin

glass from the opposite side as well as

the housing over the engine

and also the side of the tracks as well.

Once we get to this point, we can go down

the other side of the boom again

checking for any leakages or any damage

to the boom or the arm coming down

towards the bucket.

Now we’ve done a full visual check of

the machine and double checked

everything’s okay we can now go on to

our fluids and our levels checks.

So in our first service compartment we

may have to use our operators key to

unlock it.

In here we’ve got our coolant levels we

can check these using this reservoir.

Here our air filter

and also just at the bottom, we’ve got

oil dipstick that can be taken out so we

can check the oil in the machine.

Once you’ve checked these levels you can

move around to the side of the machine

where we can check our hydraulic fluid

our battery and also our fuel filter.

Now we’re moving around to this side we

can open up the service compartment

where we’ve got a hydraulic fluid

we’ve got our battery and finally

we’ve got our fuel filter which is

underneath here.

The correct level of hydraulic fluid

should be as shown on screen when the

boom is in the service position.

Now we’ve done our fluids and our levels

checks we can get ourselves into the

machine to do the final electrical tests

before greasing the machine and starting

our work.

To do so we need to enter the machine

using three-pointer contact.

To start with open the door and ensure

It is secured safely.

As soon as we’re in the machine we need

to make sure that the seat belt works

and once that’s correctly checked we can

detach it and pop our key into our

excavator so we can do our electrical

light tests.

Turn the position to the key to position


And unlock the machine. Now the machine

is unlocked the ignition is unlocked and

we can do our light tests

simply press the

beacon lights and also the headlights

which is number 7 number 8 on

the keypad and exit the machine to check

the lights.

Now we’ve done our lights and our

electrical checks we can take the key


can exit the machine to begin our

greasing procedure.

now when greasing the machine you need to

ensure that all the moving parts on the

boom and also the dozer blade of the

machine are greased adequately.

You’ll find the grease nipples on all

the hydraulic rams and all the moving

compartments of the machine.

You’ll find the grease gun for this

machine underneath the operator’s seat.

You’ll need to use the operator’s key to

unlock the compartment to find the

grease gun.

And on completion of these

pre-operational checks the machine now

is ready to use. Now if you come into any

issues when doing these checks then

please get in contact with your local

depot as soon as possible so we can

ensure the machine is safe and we can

get you up and running as quickly as

possible.Thank you ever so much for

joining me and until the next video take

care and bye bye for now

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